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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

STC SW Quadrant Mixed Use Development (UZDP2019-00562)

Principal Planner

Chris Hankins
(425) 295 0547
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The applicant is proposing to construct 348 multifamily residential units and approximately 82,000 square feet of commercial space on a 8.09-acre area in the TC-A1 zone in the Town Center Sub-Area. The TC-A1 zone, also known as the City’s Core Mixed-Use Area (CMU), is specifically designated in the Town Center PlanTown Center Infrastructure Plan, and Town Center Development Code for mixed-use and higher-density residential communities as proposed. The 348 multifamily residential units consist of 48 attached townhouse units and 300 apartment units to be constructed in two buildings.

Review Status





November 4, 2019

Application Materials Submitted (click on project number below)


November 27, 2019 

Completeness Check

Letter of Completeness 

December 2-23, 2019 

Notice of Application / Open House / SEPA Notification

Comment Period Open



Public Comment Form



Public Comment Form



Public Comment Form

December 16, 2019 

Open House 

PowerPoint Presentation


March 10, 2020

Application Review - 1st Round of Review




Review Comments



Review Comments



Review Comments

April 7, 2020

Application Resubmittal Extension Request by Applicant

View Request

April 28, 2020

City's Response to Resubmittal Extension Request

View Response

June 2, 2020

Applicant Revised Resubmittal Extension Request

View Request

June 3, 2020

City's Response to Revised Resubmittal Extension Request 

View Response

June 22, 2020

Application materials resubmitted for second round of review (click on the project number below)


July 13, 2020

Second Letter of Completeness Review

Letter of Completeness 

July 20, 2020

Notice of Revised Application and 120-Day Clock Exceedance

Comment Period Opens



Public Comment Form



Public Comment Form



Public Comment Form

October 8, 2020

Notice of Exceedance - 60 Day Review

View Notice

November 13, 2020

Notice of Decision of Denial - UZDP2019-00562

View Notice

December 3, 2020

Appeal of Notice of Decision - UZDP2019-00562

View Appeal

June 11, 2021

Notice of Appeal Hearing - UZDP2019-00562

Public Notice 

July 12-21, 2021

Appeal Hearing Schedule

July 12, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

July 13, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

July 14, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

July 15, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

July 16, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

July 19, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Public Testimony*)

July 20, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

July 21, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

*This hearing day will start with an opportunity for public testimony, regardless of where in the normal hearing process the proceedings are. This will be the only time for public testimony. Witnesses will be limited to 5 minutes each. Time is not cumulative and may not be traded or given to another witness. (If the hearing were to otherwise conclude before July 19th, the hearing will be reconvened at 9:00 a.m. on July 19th for public testimony.)

Appeal Hearing Schedule

August 31, 2021

 Decision by the Hearing Examiner

 View Decision

September 9, 2021

Motion for Reconsideration

View Request

September 29, 2021

Motion for Reconsideration - Denied

View Order Denying the Motion for Reconsideration

January 19, 2023

Completeness Check

Letter of Completeness

February 1, 2023

Notice of Revised Application and Submittal Documents

Public Comment Form