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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Critical Areas Ordinance Update

Community Development

Planning Manager

Miryam Laytner
(425) 295 0623

The City of Sammamish will kick off its Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) update this summer.  The update is mandated by the state Growth Management Act (GMA). GMA requires that the County review and update its comprehensive plan and development regulations, including CAO, according to a schedule established in RCW 36.70A.130

Scope of Work

  • Public Outreach & Engagement: Develop and implement a plan to reach community members and other stakeholders to inform them about the project and get their input on proposed updates.
  • Review & Analysis of Existing CAO: Complete an existing conditions assessment, gap analysis, and BAS review of the current CAO to identify areas that need updating.
  • Drafting & Adoption of Updated Critical Areas Ordinance Regulation: Based on the findings of the analysis above, draft updates to the CAO (including the special focus topics presented in June and July of 2022), taking them for review and recommendation/adoption with the Planning Commission and City Council.
  • Staff Training & Creation of New Public Information Materials: Provide staff with training and tools to understand and apply the updates in their work and create informational materials for the public so they're aware of the new regulations.

City Council Meetings

July 12, 2022
Critical Areas Ordinance Update - Scope of Work Review
January 17, 2023
Critical Areas Ordinance Update Draft Request For Proposals

Planning Commission Meetings

June 16, 2022
Critical Areas Ordinance Update - Scope of Work Review