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Testing a site alert request

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Testing #2 as SM

Electric line down on 228th near Sahalee

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Site Alert Test

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Testing Site alerts

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Testing Site Alerts (1)

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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Code Compliance

Code Compliance

Code Compliance is responsible for enforcing various chapters of the Sammamish Municipal Code that address public health and safety issues. These include regulations related to zoning, dangerous and abandoned buildings, environmental violations, removal of vegetation, and junk vehicles on private property.

Our goal is to provide high-quality and responsive code compliance services to maintain and enhance safety and general welfare. Our focus is on customer service and public awareness while respecting the property rights of our citizens.

Filing a Complaint

Code complaints are vital to ensuring our community is safe and attractive.  Filing a code complaint is a legal matter that should not be taken lightly. To file a formal complaint with the Code Compliance Division, simply submit a code violation report online.  

Comments received are part of the public record and subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Please do not include any information in your comments or supporting materials that you do not wish to be made public. The City of Sammamish will only release information by Public Disclosure Request or by order of a court of law. 

Our Process

When we receive a complaint, a case file is created and assigned to a Code Compliance Officer. Officers will contact the property owner to discuss the violation and actions needed to remedy the situation. Usually, property owners are unaware of the regulations and voluntarily fix the problem within a reasonable time frame. The average time to correct a violation is 2-4 weeks. However, complex situations may take up to a year (or more) to resolve. 

Please note that we are experiencing a high level of code violation reports at this time. Our response time and ability to resolve a violation are taking longer than usual.  Priority is given to high and moderate-risk violations. Please be patient.

Code Compliance Response Priorities

Response to life/safety violations will occur with or without a complaint. Life/safety violations are those that could result in injury or create an unhealthy environment (in the opinion of The Code Compliance Office, Building Official, or Director). Otherwise, violations will be responded to on a “complaint-only” basis. Violations may be addressed without a complaint at the discretion of the Code Compliance Officer if discovered during the investigation.

The Code Compliance Office investigates complaints based on where they fall into three priority violation categories. These violation categories are high, medium, and low priority. 

High Priority (1) – Immediate health and safety violations include:

  • Unsafe/dangerous buildings and equipment;
  • Improper storage of refrigerator/freezer;
  • Raw sewage on land.

Medium Priority (2) - Serious violations include:

  • Building work without a permit;
  • Illegal clearing and grading without a permit;
  • Illegal tree removal;
  • Critical areas alterations;
  • Nuisance violations;
  • Illegal discharge into storm system;
  • Unauthorized development in shorelines of the state;
  • Signs with sight distance concerns.

Low Priority (3) - Minor violations include:

  • Zoning which would consist of home occupation and setback requirements for structures;
  • Signs;
  • Right-of-way issues other than signs causing sight distance concerns.


For general questions, contact Code Compliance at